Adobe PhotoShop
Everyday I will be learning a new method or tool in Photoshop
Working with Layer Masks (Day 1)
Today I practiced using the Layer Mask tool. I wanted to incorporate my favorite place the beach, into a poster style image.
Step 1: I used the pen tool to trace out palm trees in a line.
Step 2: I used the pen tool to trace out the window.
Step 3: I used the Layer Mask tool to place the beach photo behind the window.
Step 4: I used the Layer Mask tool to place the beach photo inside the palm trees.
Step 5: I lined up the ocean inside palm trees with the beach photo.
Step 6: Color correction, added drop shadows, and centering.
Working with the Pencil Tool (Day 2)
Today I practiced using the Pencil Tool. I have never been amazing at drawing but I wanted to challenge myself with this tool.
Step 1: I drew the outline of the car with the Pencil Tool.
Step 2: I made different layers for each color of the car.
Step 3: I used the Pencil Tool to color over each section of the car.
Step 4: I used the Mixer Brush Tool to mix all of the colors together.
Step 5: I used the Pencil Tool to write out the Lamborghini logo.
Working with the Pen Tool (Day 3)
Today I practiced using the Pen Tool. The Pen Tool allow for more precise lines, curves and overall smoother strokes.
Step 1: I created the layout of the room starting with the color palette.
Step 2: I began with the rug and couch first. Making sure everything was symmetrical.
Step 3: I moved onto making the window and window frame. Duplicating the first window.
Step 4: I then added a vacuum, fan, and background bushes, trees, and sky.
Working with the Selection Tool (Day 4)
Today I practiced using the Selection Tool. The Selection Tool combined with the Pen Tool and Lasso Tool, allowed for an easier workflow and made straight, even lines.
Step 1: I used the Selection Tool to mask out the inside of the mirror.
Step 2: I used the Pen Tool to trace the outside of the subject and used the Quick Selection tool to highlight the inverse of the selection so it can be deleted.
Step 3: I placed the subject inside of the mirror and erased the sections outside of the mirror.
Step 4: Added color corrections, brightness, and contrast.
Working with Filters (Day 5)
Today I practiced using Filters. I found out that many of the Photoshop Filters are only essential for very specific tasks. It seemed rather difficult to find visually pleasing pre-made filters.
Step 1: I painted 5 different pastel colors into Photoshop.
Step 2: I used the Liquify Filter to mix up the colors.
Step 3: I selected each color individually and created new layers with their darker tinted color overlapped. In order to create a 3D or shadowed look.
Step 4: I added my name.
Working with the Shape Tool (Day 6)
Today I practiced using the Shape Tool. The Shape Tool allowed for quick completed objects and was easily able for manipulation especially within Photoshop’s warping features.
Step 1: I created the outside of the house, including roof and walls using the Square Tool.
Step 2: I created the windows and shadows on the roof and walls.
Step 3: I found an image of a cactus and used a combination of the Pen Tool and Line Tool to create the plant/pot.
Step 4: I created the pool with the Square Tool and found an image of slide in which I did the same as the cacti.
Double Exposure Method (Day 7)
Today I practiced using a method called double exposure. A combination of Layers Masks, Clipping Masks, and Adjustment Layers was used to create the two images.
Step 1: I used the Selection Tool and the Select and Mask Tool to select both models.
Step 2: I found two images of waterfalls and created a Clipping Mask of both.
Step 3: I color corrected, added adjustments, and feathered out sections of each photo I did not want.
Working with the Refine Tool (Day 8)
Today I practiced using the Refine Tool with a photo I took. The Refine Tool allowed for a precise selection when masking out the city.
Step 1: I used the Refine Tool to feather, smooth, and contrast the edges of the photo.
Step 2: I created 20 layers with the Greyscale Preset colors in each.
Step 3: I divided 20 by the width of my image in order to accurately space out each layer.
Working with the Text Tool (Day 9)
Today I practiced using the Text Tool. I thought a Movie Poster would allow me to practice using text, color, and photo all in one.
Step 1: I created the image of the clown mask and butcher knives.
Step 2: Using layer masks I added an image of the American flag to the movie title.
Step 3: I downloaded a font for the names at the bottom and lowered the opacity.
Step 4: I added the background of the newspapers.
8 Bit Method (Day 10)
Today I practiced using a method called 8Bit. 8Bit images simply have larger pixels and less amount of them.
Step 1: I changed the grid line to 1 every pixel in the Photoshop preferences.
Step 2: I changed the image interpolation to nearest neighbor to preserve hard edges.
Step 3: I used the pencil to to draw out the images of the butterfly and grass.
Step 4: Created an animation in Photoshop with the 8Bit images I drew.
Step 5: Created a loop in Premier and exported it for YouTube.
Working with Glow (Day 11)
Today I practiced using Glow in Photoshop. Combining inner glow, outer glow, and drop shadows to create a cohesive effect.
Step 1: I drew the ring with the Pen Tool.
Step 2: I added color, outer/inner glow, and drop shadows to the ring path.
Step 3: I made a selection around the subject and masked them out.
Step 4: I painted in the selection of the subject in order to make it appear the subject was in the center.
Step 5: Added basic hue/saturation adjustments and brightness/contrast adjustments.